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Exhibitions 2015-2016


Golden Hydra by Justin Gibbens

September 17 – October 17, 2015
A four person exhibition featuring the artwork of young cutting-edge artists Renee Adams, Justin Gibbens, Kristen `Kaiten’ Michael, and Scott Mayberry.

60th Central Washington Artists’ Exhibition

Scylla Bioniza  – Charybdis Bionica
by Rachel Dorn
by Cheryl Hahn

November 6 – December 5, 2015
Celebrating its 60th year at the Larson Gallery, this exhibition showcases the most current and progressive work being produced in the area. Juror is Greg Kucera, owner of Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle. Over $3,000 in awards will be offered.

The Golden Spiral: Fibonacci, Sacred Geometry and Divine Proportion

January 14 – February 20, 2016

An exhibit that explores the Fibonacci sequence, discovered by Leonardo Bonacci (c.1170-c.1250), and the Golden Ratio in design and appearance in nature.

The Artists: Jason Clifton, Bernadette Trabue Crider, Sandra M. Dean, Robert Fusfield, Cheryl H. Hahn, Vandorn Hinnant, Richard Kallweit, Jennifer Saracino, Sue Simon, and YVCC Digital Photography Students.

Functional Art

March 10 – April 16, 2016

A national juried exhibition of art that serves a utilitarian purpose—how the artists express their self through items such as clothing, textiles, jewelry, tableware, tools, fixtures and furniture.

DoVA (Department of Visual Arts) Student Faculty Exhibition

May 3 – 28, 2016

Work completed by students during Spring 2015, Fall 2015, and Winter 2016 art classes. Over 90 pieces of drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, and ceramics

Larson Gallery Guild Members’ Exhibition

June 11 – July 1, 2016

A popular non-juried exhibition that pays tribute to the talented and creative members of the Larson Gallery Guild.