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37th Annual National Photography Exhibition

Juror’s Statement

April 8 – May 7, 2011

I am honored to have had this opportunity to jury the 37th Annual National Photography Exhibition for the Larson Gallery.

There is nothing that I enjoy more than looking at images and making choices. My selection process usually begins with my first initial gut instinct reaction.

I copy and grab images and began to build a folder of must have pictures that I feel are the cream of the crop. I absolutely have to believe that the image is unique and fresh to my eye in some way, and that I’m content with the execution of the composition. After this first round of looking, I have a very small show that needs to grow in harmony and complexity.

I revisit each artist’s submission to see what I’ve overlooked – and slow down the contemplation process. There are some selections where saying it with one image says more. There are other selections where a series feels appropriate to show the strength in a project or artist’s vision. I was pleased to find multiple genres represented in the entries as well as print processes. There is a lot of diversity amongst the selected work, and this is a reflection of the random nature of juried shows. I would like to give a special thank you to Cheryl Hahn and the Larson Gallery staff for working with me on this special exhibition. I also want to thank all of the artists who submitted their work for review.

-Ann Pallesen, Gallery Director, Photo Center NW

Ann Pallesen
Gallery Director

Award Winners of the 37th National Juried Photography Exhibition:
$350 Larson Gallery Guild “Best of Show” Award – Larry Larsen [Seattle, WA] three pieces: “Haircuts $15”, “Lime Chill” and “Souvenir Of The Kill”

$300 Hearing Connection, LLC Purchase Award by Holli Christensen & Greg Sheets
– David Wyatt [Kennewick, WA] “Rattlesnake Summer”

$300 Yakima Regional Medical & Cardiac Center Award
John A. Kane [Issaquah, WA] four pieces: “Winnemucca”, “View Lots”, “Home In Crab Creek Coulee” and “American Idol”

$250 Jeffrey Reynolds Purchase Award
James Lapp [Mt. Vernon, WA] “Untitled”

$250 Larson Gallery Guild Purchase Award
John Eaton [Aptos, CA] “Wells, The Chapter House Steps”

$250 Women in Photography Award by Elaine Smith
Patricia McLain [Olympia, WA] three pieces: “Common Pea Double Exposed”, “Gingko Biloba Ballon”, and “Acer Palmetum Piroette”

$200 Bert Grant Memorial Purchase Award by Jana & William Johnson
Bonnie Jones [Steilacoom, WA] “To Market”

$150 Gloria Blisard Purchase Award by Gloria & Herb Blisard
Kerrigan A. Swan-Garcia [Seattle, WA] “Not Forgotten In Borderland”

$150 Kelly McKnight and David Bray Purchase Award by Kelly McKnight and David Bray
Diane Kaye [Aptos, CA] “Legion of Honor”

$150 Stuart W. Hayes Memorial Purchase Award by Pat Hayes
Nancy Hatfield [Yakima, WA] “The Vine”

$150 YV Associated Student Body Purchase Award
Michael Sekaquaptewa [Wapato, WA] “Francisco’s Auto 44”

$150 Yakima Theaters, Inc. Award for the “Most Dramatic Photograph” by Kathi Mercy
Jeffrey M. Reynolds [Yakima, WA] “Lightfall”

$100 Director’s Choice Award by Cheryl H. Hahn
Donald Lysons [Bellevue, WA] “Tidal Pools”

$100 Warninger Chiropractic Clinic Award for Excellence by Dr. Ron Warninger
John Eaton [Aptos, CA] three pieces: “Gloucester, The Cloisters”; “Salisbury, The Nave”; and “Wells, The Chapter House Steps”

$100 Gary A. Delp & Associates – Gift Certificate by Gary A. Delp
Julie Prather [Ellensburg, WA] “Yakima Canyon”

$90 Photo Haus Award – Gift Certificate by Rick Baumgardner
David D. Johnson [Seattle, WA] “One Man’s Paradise”

Honorable Mention:
Jane Alynn [Anacortes, WA] “American Dream”
Michael Berman [Port Ludlow, WA] “Road Ethnography Diptych”
Renee Couture [Glide, OR] “A Long, Slow, Forlorn Cry (Ch 1”
Alex Emmons [Ellensburg, WA] 2 Pieces: “B B Gun” and “Tomato”
Nathan Lucas [Portland, OR] 3 Pieces: “Protected Memory I”, “Protected Memory II” and “Protected Memory III”

Exhibiting Artists (by state):
Jane Alynn
Larry Bullis
Donald Lysons
East Wenatchee:
Wendy G. Allen
Ray Weisgerber
Alex Emmons
Julie Prather
Federal Way:
Sharon Ely