I revisit each artist’s submission to see what I’ve overlooked – and slow down the contemplation process. There are some selections where saying it with one image says more. There are other selections where a series feels appropriate to show the strength in a project or artist’s vision. I was pleased to find multiple genres represented in the entries as well as print processes. There is a lot of diversity amongst the selected work, and this is a reflection of the random nature of juried shows. I would like to give a special thank you to Cheryl Hahn and the Larson Gallery staff for working with me on this special exhibition. I also want to thank all of the artists who submitted their work for review.
-Ann Pallesen, Gallery Director, Photo Center NW
Ann Pallesen
Gallery Director
Award Winners of the 37th National Juried Photography Exhibition:
$350 Larson Gallery Guild “Best of Show” Award – Larry Larsen [Seattle, WA] three pieces: “Haircuts $15”, “Lime Chill” and “Souvenir Of The Kill”
$300 Hearing Connection, LLC Purchase Award by Holli Christensen & Greg Sheets
– David Wyatt [Kennewick, WA] “Rattlesnake Summer”
$300 Yakima Regional Medical & Cardiac Center Award
John A. Kane [Issaquah, WA] four pieces: “Winnemucca”, “View Lots”, “Home In Crab Creek Coulee” and “American Idol”
$250 Jeffrey Reynolds Purchase Award
James Lapp [Mt. Vernon, WA] “Untitled”
$250 Larson Gallery Guild Purchase Award
John Eaton [Aptos, CA] “Wells, The Chapter House Steps”
$250 Women in Photography Award by Elaine Smith
Patricia McLain [Olympia, WA] three pieces: “Common Pea Double Exposed”, “Gingko Biloba Ballon”, and “Acer Palmetum Piroette”
$200 Bert Grant Memorial Purchase Award by Jana & William Johnson
Bonnie Jones [Steilacoom, WA] “To Market”
$150 Gloria Blisard Purchase Award by Gloria & Herb Blisard
Kerrigan A. Swan-Garcia [Seattle, WA] “Not Forgotten In Borderland”
$150 Kelly McKnight and David Bray Purchase Award by Kelly McKnight and David Bray
Diane Kaye [Aptos, CA] “Legion of Honor”
$150 Stuart W. Hayes Memorial Purchase Award by Pat Hayes
Nancy Hatfield [Yakima, WA] “The Vine”
$150 YV Associated Student Body Purchase Award
Michael Sekaquaptewa [Wapato, WA] “Francisco’s Auto 44”
$150 Yakima Theaters, Inc. Award for the “Most Dramatic Photograph” by Kathi Mercy
Jeffrey M. Reynolds [Yakima, WA] “Lightfall”
$100 Director’s Choice Award by Cheryl H. Hahn
Donald Lysons [Bellevue, WA] “Tidal Pools”
$100 Warninger Chiropractic Clinic Award for Excellence by Dr. Ron Warninger
John Eaton [Aptos, CA] three pieces: “Gloucester, The Cloisters”; “Salisbury, The Nave”; and “Wells, The Chapter House Steps”
$100 Gary A. Delp & Associates – Gift Certificate by Gary A. Delp
Julie Prather [Ellensburg, WA] “Yakima Canyon”
$90 Photo Haus Award – Gift Certificate by Rick Baumgardner
David D. Johnson [Seattle, WA] “One Man’s Paradise”
Honorable Mention:
Jane Alynn [Anacortes, WA] “American Dream”
Michael Berman [Port Ludlow, WA] “Road Ethnography Diptych”
Renee Couture [Glide, OR] “A Long, Slow, Forlorn Cry (Ch 1”
Alex Emmons [Ellensburg, WA] 2 Pieces: “B B Gun” and “Tomato”
Nathan Lucas [Portland, OR] 3 Pieces: “Protected Memory I”, “Protected Memory II” and “Protected Memory III”
Exhibiting Artists (by state):
Jane Alynn
Larry Bullis
Donald Lysons
East Wenatchee:
Wendy G. Allen
Ray Weisgerber
Alex Emmons
Julie Prather
Federal Way:
Sharon Ely