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Cydney Bacon

[email protected]

30+ years ago I studied jewelry fabrication and design as part of my art degree and I fell in love with metal. Upon graduation, I began my teaching career and had the good fortune to teach both my loves, Art and English.

As time went by, I became a mother to two beautiful girls and went on to get a Masters Degree in School Counseling. All throughout this time, I would speak of my jewelry making. I decided I needed to see if I really still loved it, so I took a bracelet making class that involved torches and fabrication.

I did love it because for Christmas that year, my husband gave me a torch. By mid-March, I had enough equipment to make jewelry. My passion is greater than ever! I can spend hours in my studio, only to leave it for hunger or sleep.

I love simple, well-developed and carefully constructed jewelry. I spend as much time working on the design as I do the details of each piece. My focus is making the metal the star. I love it brightly polished and sometimes I will patina the metal for a different look. I occasionally use stones and crystals to add a touch of whimsy. Each piece is its own unique work of art.

When you wear one of my pieces, my hope is for you to enjoy your own unique piece of wearable art.