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He is a remnant of the Nahuatlacah oral tradition a tonalpouhque mexica, a commoner from the lowlands from a time and place that no longer exists. Born in Celaya Guanajuato Mexico, where he spent his childhood in the small pueblo of Tarimoro and wherefrom he immigrated in 1988. His inspirations include Nezahualcoyotl, Humberto Ak’abal, Ray A. Young Bear, James Welch and Juan Rulfo. Published in various journals/sites in the UK, US, Spain, India, Australia, Argentina, Germany and Venezuela. Pushcart Prize nominee in 2015; awarded Tercer Premio from El Centro Canario Estudios Caribenos –El Atlantico –en el Certamen International de Poesia “La Calle que tu me das 2016; New Rivers Press Many Voices Project Finalist 2018; 2020 Jack Straw Writers Fellow, Mozaik: Ecosystems X 2022 Future Art Awards Group Exhibition Special Mention. Exhibitions in US, Spain and Greece. While in ceremony with Chololo medicine men in the Tule River Reservation he dreamt this written prophecy…